Razer Blade

We live in something of a golden age for PC gaming, with (relatively) inexpensive desktops powering virtual-reality headsets, mainstream gaming laptops that can run nearly any game, and even hulking desktop/laptop hybrids. Razer, in particular, has the been leading the charge toward more modern-feeling gaming laptops for some time, fitting high-end parts into very slim…

Suicide Squad Review

Suicide Squad has been the long gestating DC Comics film that every single fan on the planet has been waiting for. From the controversial casting of Jared Leto as the Joker to the rumored reshoots, this is a film that has been on everyone’s minds for the past two years since it was announced. So,…

League of Legends tips&tricks to getting good.

The game often gets broken down into two components: game knowledge and mechanical skill. These are great general categories, but many important skills fall into one, both or neither. Kiting – mechanical skill Powerspikes – game knowledge Map awareness – both (you need to be able to look at the map often and quickly AND…

Suicide Squad Review

Suicide Squad has been the long gestating DC Comics film that every single fan on the planet has been waiting for. From the controversial casting of Jared Leto as the Joker to the rumored reshoots, this is a film that has been on everyone’s minds for the past two years since it was announced. So,…

Pokemon GO Update, Philippines Release Dates Finally Revealed?!

The buzz surrounding the hottest game of the year – and quite possibly the hottest augmented reality game of all time – is crazy. Everybody who has the game is looking for a Pokemon GO update and countries who still don’t have the game are frantically trying to find out when the game is coming…

What exactly is modularity and is the Moto Z really modular?

With the arrival of the Moto Z the discussion about modularity has fired up again. But there’s a side of the question that goes beyond the simple extrapolation that Moto Mods are modules. What exactly is modularity and are the LG G5 or Moto Z truly modular phones like the Project Ara phone? Or are…

My Personal Computer

Hi this is my Personal Computer or Work Station at home that i like to call Razer Seraphin. I’m just a big fan of Razer general especially with their new line of “Chroma” products I just feel more productive  with them. A lot of people whats the point of all those RGB lights but seriously it’s…

Borderlands 2 Game Of The Year

With so much DLC already released Gearbox’s co-op shooter is the perfect candidate for a Game Of the Year Edition, but is there anything they’ve left out? It’s over a year since Borderlands 2 was originally released and yet this new Game of the Year edition makes no claim to include absolutely every extra for…

My Most Favorite Game of All Time

Welcome to the city of Columbia. Floating amongst the clouds, cruising far above sea level, this is a place unlike any you’ve ever seen. Please enjoy your voyage… The third game in the popular Bioshock series, BioShock Infinite breaks away from the underwater setting of the first two games to take players into a floating…

Shockingly Beautiful Piece of High Tech Art

  We now live in something of a golden age for PC gaming, with (relatively) inexpensive desktops powering virtual-reality headsets, mainstream gaming laptops that can run nearly any game, and even hulking desktop/laptop hybrids. Razer, in particular, has the been leading the charge toward more modern-feeling gaming laptops for some time, fitting high-end parts into…

11 Sadistic Japanese Movies You Need to Watch

Let’s get sadistic. Gory anime is great, but gory live-action movies more unsettling. Maybe it has to do with the real actors and realistic gore effects, but these things are great. And wouldn’t you know, Japan has some of the best sadistic movies you can find! 1. Ichi the Killer Director: Takashi Miike Premier: September 14, 2001…